Lafayette Bicentennial Celebration New York City



AUGUST 15, 2024 TO August 17, 2024

A grand celebration kicked off the Lafayette Bicentennial in New York City. During the festivities, 8th generation descendants Virginie Lafayette and her daughters Heloise and Adelaide participated. Lafayette, portrayed by Mark Schneider, performed at all of the events and gave rousing talks. A great article on Mark was published on Thursday by the New York Times. Chuck Schwam of the American Friends of Lafayette and the New York City committee did an excellent job of hosting the celebration, especially considering the transportation challenges presented by the traffic in New York City. AFL President Alan R. Hoffman was featured in many of the events and Ben Goldman, who also portrays Lafayette at Bicentennial events, was at an event on Saturday.

You had to be there to experience the full excitement of the Lafayette celebration. The following is a brief recap.

The American Friends of Lafayette began the festivities with a welcoming dinner at Sailor’s Snug Harbor on Staten Island. Meeting at the AFL command post at the New York Marriott Downtown, members took a ferry from the Brookfield Place to Staten Island and then took shuttle buses to Sailor’s Snug Harbor. After dinner and entertainment, the members returned to the Marriott.

Friday’s events were amazing. AFL members were again transported by ferry to Staten Island where breakfast was waiting. Then members joined Lafayette to recreate (21st century style) his landing in NYC 200 years ago. An airplane displaying a Welcome Lafayette banner, flew over the boat and a sailing club with crew dressed as Revolutionary War soldiers waited near the Statue of Liberty. About 10:00 a.m., Lafayette and AFL members gathered at Brookfield Place where music and speeches were made. At 10:30 a.m., Lafayette, dignitaries and AFL members gathered at Pumphouse Park and took part in a parade down Broadway to Evacuation Day Plaza. Lafayette and his descendants took part in a carriage with a NYPD escort. Some members commented during the parade that they stopped traffic on Broadway and lived to tell the tale. At 11 a.m. at Evacuation Day Plaza, a ceremony and raising of a French flag took place.

Friday afternoon began with a ceremony at City Hall and a visit in the Council Chamber where a portrait of Lafayette is displayed. The next stop was at the National Museum of American Indian and Alexander Hamilton Customs House. President Hoffman welcomed three speakers, including Ray Halbritter of the Oneida Nation who gave an Oneida perspective of Lafayette. James Kirby Martin of the University of Houston, talked on Major General Marquis de Lafayette and “The Nobility of Virtue.” Iona professor Nora Slonimsky talked about the history of Lafayette. The evening concluded with a social evening at Fraunces Tavern Restaurant. AFL members also toured the Tavern’s museum.

Saturday’s events began at the South Street Seaport where Living History talks were given on Lafayette and L’Hermione. Lunch was served at the Park Avenue Armory where tours, a book signing and Living History presentations took place. Presentations at the L’Alliance/Florence Gould Theater completed the afternoon activities.

An Evening at the French Consulate was the headlined event to conclude the session. As you can imagine, fine food and champagne were on the menu.