May 9, 2022
The Legacy of War: A Perpetual Assault
four organizations schedule dynamic new program
by authors Charlene L. Briggs and Bruce E. Mowday
Gettysburg Foundation provides venue on historic battlefield on July 23
Soldiers, their families, friends and society have suffered from the effects of war since the first battle was fought centuries ago.
Authors Charlene L. Briggs and Bruce E. Mowday have drawn on their research from their books to develop a program for military service organizations, church groups, historical societies, civic clubs and other organizations giving both a personal and a historical perspective on the long-term impacts of war on soldiers and society.
Four organizations scheduled talks by the authors. On June 8 the West Chester Sunrise Rotary will host the initial talk at 7:00 a.m. at Arbour Square. On July 23, a special talk on Gettysburg and the Legacy of War: A Perpetual Assault will be given at the Spangler Farm in Gettysburg from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Craig Caba, curator of the J. Howard Wert Gettysburg collection will take part and present historic artifacts from his collection. The other two talks are at Ware Presbyterian Village in Oxford on October 11 and Longwood Rotary on November 17 at Longwood Gardens at 7:00 a.m. The starting time of the Ware talk hasn’t been set.
“Our presentation is especially timely because of the Ukrainian invasion,” Mowday said. “The topic has been relevant since the beginning of wars. We thank the Gettysburg Foundation for supporting our talk on the Civil War battlefield. This talk will be special as Craig Caba will display original medical artifacts from the battle. “
Briggs authored Letters to Lida, with her father, S/Sgt David J. Lemal. The memoir is about S/Sgt Lemal’s experiences in World War II and includes 150 letters he wrote to his mother throughout the war. Upon her inquiry, S/Sgt Lemal read each letter to Briggs, reflected on the memories and shared what he dared not disclose at the time he wrote the letters.
“When my father and I went on book tour, the flood gates opened.” Briggs said. “So many veterans and their family members shared stories with us about how the war affected them and their family.” There is a silent side to conflict, Briggs discovered, that lives on in soldiers long after the war is over and remains a silent, private hell.
Mowday has authored more than 20 books on history, true crime, business and sports, including four books on the Civil War and two on the American Revolution.
“Charlene and I both strongly believe the legacy of war should receive more attention,” Mowday said. “War inflicts lasting, severe physical, mental and emotional scars on veterans, their families, their friends and society.
The program includes personal stories and historical references on the extent of war’s influence and information on resources and programs on healing for survivors. Information on other Veterans and Military Service Organizations will also be provided during the presentation.
To schedule a talk, or for more information, contact author Bruce Mowday at